Southern Cape Fire Protection Association

Services & Downloads

We as the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association (SCFPA) facilitate and support Integrated Fire Management (IFM) within the Central Karoo & Garden Route District Municipality’s area of responsibility. We are also extended into a section the Eastern Cape.

We give advice to landowners whose properties are situated within a veld, forest area or Wildland Urban Interface Zone. These landowners have certain duties and responsibilities which are stipulated in the National Veld and Forest Fire Act. It would be advantageous for you as landowner to become a member of a registered FPA, even if it is only for the presumption of negligence that falls away if you are a member of a registered FPA. All this is stated in the associated file: Advantages of a SCFPA member.

Many landowners are unaware of the above mentioned. Many civil claims also have been brought against landowners who do not comply with the National Veld and Forest Fire Act. We can provide the necessary advice to you and other neighbouring landowners.

Our Working on Fire teams can fight a wild fire on a member’s property for free. The member only covers the transport cost and meal packet for over an 8 hour shift. Weather and contract depending, they are also available for prevention work on a member’s property.

We are a Non Profit Company; this means that the membership fees are not levied to the government. It is used to serve and help our members. 

Please see below for any related documents to the SCFPA, that can be downloaded for you to read:

Associated Files:

Determination of Guilt Fines
National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998
SCFPA Advantages

User Login

If you have any difficulties, please phone our head office at 044 302 6900.


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Contact Information

Southern Cape Fire Protection Association

· Private Bag X12, Knysna 6570
· Tel: 044 382 0629